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Hey, y’all. I’m Liz, a recovering classical singer, and I get to be the kind of vocal coach I desperately wanted, but never got to have.

I'm proud to be a client-centered voice coach with over 20 years experience who actually puts YOU in charge of your vocal journey.

And I LOVE having the honor of guiding my clients, whether they are beginners or returning to singing, as they find & strengthen their voices and figure out how they want singing & music to fit into their lives.

For me, it's all about YOU and what YOU want.

So how did I get here? And HOW did I get to be the salty B that I am?

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"Learning to sing is messy, noisy, and full of mistakes in the BEST ways!"

Seattle-Based Voice Teacher

Liz Frazer

my story

And I carried this with me. It informed my life choices for a looong time, even if I didn’t realize it. I even have my DOCTORATE in classical vocal performance (yes, that’s really a thing, lol).

Check out the pic below of me at my doctoral graduation. I guess I wasn’t always drinking the kool aid...I mean, this Salty B was NOT going to spend $1000 on doctoral robes. I was the ONLY person on that stage not wearing a graduation gown, lol! Also, academia – get it together. Grad students are BROKE. C’mon!

Liz Frazer sitting among her fellow doctoral students at graduation and she is the only one not wearing doctoral robes

Check out this pic of me at my doctoral graduation. I guess I wasn’t always drinking the kool aid...I mean, this Salty B was NOT going to spend $1000 on doctoral robes. I was the ONLY person on that stage not wearing a graduation gown, lol! Also, academia – get it together. Grad students are BROKE. C’mon!

For over 20 years, I worked on my classical voice and teaching career.

And I was good. Like, really good. A highly respected singer and voice teacher, and I worked my ass off to get there.

And you know what I finally discovered after working with a voice teacher who GOT me, and who understood my journey:

I wasn’t artistically or professionally satisfied, and I was salty AF about it.

I finally started questioning what had been ingrained in me for so long. And, y’all, it was hard.

Do you know what I learned?

ALL music is valid if you connect to it and it makes you FEEL something.

It was time to take my voice back.

You should be able to sing the music you love and make the sounds that you want to make.

There is never one way of doing things.

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I now call myself a recovering classical singer, and while the journey is sometimes scary and frustrating, it’s also exhilarating to be making MY OWN choices about the music I want to make.

And I want to help you take YOUR voice back, or to help you find it in the first place.

Selfishly, I get to be the voice coach for MY clients that I never had.

I get to guide folks as they find and develop their voices & artistry in a way that I was never allowed to, and it feels like a calling.

I get to watch clients who’ve been told they can’t sing get up and ROCK it at karaoke.


Or get up and sing open mic style and just wail.

To sing the way it feels good TO THEM.

Honestly, it just doesn’t get much better than that.

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We're bringing the JOY back to singing!

Don't have time to "practice?" Well, as they say, there's more than one way to skin a cat. I’ll give you tools so you can practice without feeling like you’re practicing.

You’ll make your own choices about how you want to sound with as much guidance as you need. I’ll help as much or as little as works for you.


You got this.

Liz Frazer, the Salty Voice Teacher, demonstrating using the Singing Straw, wearing a bright blue shirt

When I started taking voice lessons at 15, my teacher told me that people who are “talented” had a responsibility to sing classical music. It was the only valid genre.


Anyway, I took it to heart.

I was taught that what I felt and wanted was wrong, and that I should do this “worthy” thing instead.

The music that I loved and wanted to sing — the music I connected with and gave me relief — was a guilty pleasure; because, you know, the music that inspired me was considered shameful.

Cute brown dog kissing Liz Frazer, fun looking gal with bright pink hair

This is work that I LOVE. You’ll gain confidence and have an understanding of how singing feels in YOUR body. You’ll be able TRUST what’s going to come out of your mouth the next time you sing.

You will OWN your voice and it will feel AWESOME.

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Ready to jump in?

Click below to sign up for a free 20 minute Discovery Chat and let’s discuss your options!

Wherever you are on your vocal journey, I will help you learn about YOUR voice and the sounds YOU want to make.

We’ll work on removing the shame from the process and all those pesky “shoulds.”

This is YOUR opportunity to start listening to and trusting your OWN body’s wisdom.

You're in charge here.

We'll make singing work for you and YOUR LIFE.

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