HOW to use the Hub:
When you become a client of The Salty Voice Teacher and register for classes, you'll receive an invitation to become a member of our Client Hub and be able to create an account.
If you are a returning client and already have an account, simply log in at the top of this page using the email and password you created previously.
Once you are logged in, click the dropdown arrow next to your name to choose where you want to go.
"Groups/Classes" will take you to a list of all classes...simply choose YOUR class to enter the private group. On this page, you’ll find the semester schedule, all of the worksheets, the class videos, and a section where you can actually look for and offer support to your classmates.
Wanna access our exclusive Warmup Library? Then choose "Warmup Library" from the dropdown list (it's pretty get the idea).
Take some time to look around, explore the different tabs in your group area, and let's have some fun!

Your Client Hub
Client Hub
If this is your first time here, you might be wondering what the CLIENT HUB and COMMUNITY PAGES are?
In short, it's ALL the info and ALL the support in ONE convenient place!
When we do scary things, like learning to sing, for example, it’s super helpful to have a community that you can lean on.
THIS is the place you can come to CHAT with and LEAN on your community.
This is also the place you come to get allll the class info you'll need, like schedules, class videos, worksheets, and updates from yours truly, as well as our warmup library!
Examples of ways you can use the the Client Hub Group Chat:
Something going great? Share it with the group!
Something feel difficult for you? Well, I’m betting that someone else in your class is struggling too, OR, maybe they have a suggestion for something to try that may help.
Sounding like a frog today and looking for some confidence? Share it! We’re not in this alone, and we all have those frog voice days.